Politicizing Zappadan 2011

Two Hundred Motel security guard throws clown-suited Newt Gingrich out of Motel’s parking lot.

The Newter Writhes Again

Why yes, that is a Swedish apparatus crossing The Newter’s pectoral majesty, and thanks for overlooking the piles of baggage that made him what he is today.

Declaration of the Occupation of New York City

Declaration of the Occupation of New York City


GOP presidential wanna-be Michele Bachmann ruminates before hundreds of dead animal carcasses: “Our campaign is alive and well.” The irony. . .  it burns  :-O DES MOINES, IOWA — You simply can’t make this stuff up.  As a new USA Today/Gallup poll rolls out showing her gasping along at 5 percent and way behind rivals like Texas Governor Lil’ Ricky …

Thank You, Baggers

Ohhhhhh yeah. Thank you. Thank you for making 2012 historic in ways you are too stupid to ever comprehend. And thanks to these guys: really.   D.C. Douglas, and Tengrain.          

Romney-Bachmann Ticket Would Have Foster Child

It’s Back To The Future Friday, kids, and you know what that means— supercilious speculations are in order.

Bachmann’s Brainless Trust

According to Michele Bachmann’s volatile new brain trust, the best place for a bomb— especially a “money Bomb”— is a bomb shelter.