Open Cordoba House

Roman bridge leading to the Mezquita, or Mosque-Church, in Cordoba, Spain I got me a bone to pick with Sharif el-Gamal, the developer of the Muslim community center in Lower Manhattan, originally called Cordoba House, on near the site of the former World Trade Center. While there are a variety of groups for and against its construction, the most frenzied …


“Now the whole earth had one lunatic with a few words. And as other men illegally migrated into the west, they found a Job in the land of Shiny Stuff…

King v. Beck

Can’t wait to hear the Beckophiles howl about how unfair it is to run actual clips of their hero’s bigotry and madness.

Muslim Crow Laws

New web ad by the progressive Agenda Project slamming opponents of the Park 51 Islamic community center As Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. said: Hate begets hate. And I would add, develops its own momentum, escalating into the kind of violence cited briefly in the ad and detailed in this NY Times article titled Rider Asks if Cabby Is Muslim, Then …

You Still Can’t Say That, Bitches

Those dumb bitches, Sarah and Laura, think the Miller Test is a shouting match between fat-assed stupid beer drinkers: ‘Great Taste!’ ‘Less filling! Great Taste!’ ‘Less filling!'”

Fear Profiteers And Propaganda Puppeteers

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The Parent Company Trap Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party Fux News has managed to hoist itself on its own cynical,  hypocritical petard once again, this time over the potential funding of the Park 51 Islamic cultural center.  Jon Stewart connects the dots above. About …

Political Pornography

Buchanan invokes Godwin’s Law on the Newtster In a textbook case of the pot calling the kettle black, having professional bigot Pat Buchanan call Gangrene Gingrich “absurd” and “a political opportunist”  for comparing the proposed Park 51 Muslim community center to the Nazis and the Holocaust is like being called ugly by the alien in Predator. Nonetheless, Buchanan makes a …