Michelle Obama At C.U.

BOULDER — Michelle Obama was at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Wednesday, and told a huge crowd of students that today was the day they needed to register to vote if they were going to join their fellow students in being the deciding factor in winning Colorado for Barack.  Estimates say there are still roughly 170,000 students and other …

I Lived In A Box.

Guess who took this picture. John McCain still thinks someone wants to put him in a box. “When you’ve lived in a box,  you “only have time for right,” says a deep cowboy voice oozing authenticity, while the orgasmically large flat screen shows the aged maverick returning to his Vietnam prison cell and “forgiving” his captors— and their nation— for, …

Palin To Sell Bridge To Nowhere & Wolf Legs On Ebay

DEADMOOSE, Alaska (C.U.News) Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin said she told Congress “No thanks” to The Bridge To Nowhere, and plans to sell it and other items on Ebay. Returning from a short hunting trip to the Alaskan wilderness, Palin spoke to a handful of respectful and deferential reporters at a small airfield in this isolated Alaskan township. “Along …

Palin Slashed Funds For Special Needs & Adoption

Palin’s initialed line item cuts The audience for Sarah Palin’s speech last night at the Rethugs convention were all a twitter over her promise: “To the families of special-needs children all across this country, I have a message: For years, you sought to make America a more welcoming place for your sons and daughters. I pledge to you that if …

Back Off!

Barack Obama: “Let me be as clear as possible:  I have said before and I will repeat again, I think people’s families are off limits, and people’s children are especially off limits. This shouldn’t be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin’s performance as governor, or her potential performance as a vice president.” It may be …

Like Kicking Puppies

That’s right, Grampa Fishbait, teh Beauty Queen looks like your daughter. HYPOCRISY, Alaska— Presumtive GOP presidential nominee John McSteppedinit and his new soulmate VP may be heading to divorce court faster than you can say BabyGate. The story at Daily Kos, growing like a zygote run-amok, is unfolding as you read this. And on Labor Day;  can you dig it? …

China, Iraq Sign $3 billion Oil Deal

Finally. We now know why we’ve lost over 4150 troops, suffered 10ks of thousands of grievously wounded, murdered a million Iraqis, created refugees out of millions more, destabilized the Middle East, squandered our remaining moral standing in the world, and saddled our children’s children’s children with trillions of dollars of crushing debt. The neoconmen must be apoplectic. Iraq Signs Oil …