The World of the Cross

Our world— Urantia— has become known among other neighboring inhabited planets as the “World of the Cross.” For newbies to this blog who’ve never heard of The Urantia Book, just the caption on the photo above holds the potential to make their head explode. “. . . neighboring inhabited planets”??  Uh huhh. But.  Yeah.  If all you’ve ever thought of …

Knocking On Death’s Door

Although the death scenes in these two well-produced tubes were selected for their cinematic qualities,  they can still set the mood for a more serious contemplation of your own mortality. Check’m out. [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] I don’t need to tell you how large the idea of death looms in our collective consciousness, in our daily lives.  After all, people are dying …

Obama Cabinet Amazes

GRAND CAYMAN — President-elect Barack Obama met with several impressive new cabinet members today to discuss a plan of action to solve the many problems facing his new administration, the United States, and the world. The meeting was held on a private beach on Grand Cayman Island, which Obama noted was symbolic of the “sea change” that was coming. The …

American Brotherhood

• Ebony And Ivory Live Together In Perfect Harmony Side By Side On My Piano Keyboard, Oh Lord, Why Don’t We? —Paul McCartney It strikes me as an unfortunate bit of necessary shorthand that Barack Obama has been thought of almost exclusively as a “black” man.  Barack is biracial.  He’s not the first “black president.”  He’s the first “black and …

Dancing Shoes

Sorry, no time for blogging today!  We have our dancing shoes on, and many miles to go before the next dawn. Play the healing music. Pretend Bush is already packed, and breaking out his chainsaw down in Crawford.  Get your good on today and everyday, from now on. Ain’t nothin’ gonna stay the same.


Everything must await the coming of its time. You are born into the world, but no amount of anxiety and no manifestation of impatience will help you to grow up. You must, in all such matters, wait upon time. Time alone will ripen the green fruit upon the tree. Season follows season and sundown follows sunrise only with the passing …