Updates To Some Recent Posts

McSame’s Mock Obama Strategy Under the direction of John McSame‘s new Rovian campaign strategist, Steve Schmidt, the attacks against Obama’s character have become so vituperative that even long-time McSame supporters like Mike Murphy and Mike Weaver are crying foul, (or at least, lame). Not only because they are damaging his brand as someone who eschews personal attacks, but because he …

Our Server Sucks. . .

What’s wrong with this picture? One of these monkeys is not in his grave. Dear Visitors, If you’re reading this, well you’re lucky. Our server access has been getting bumped as often as thirty minutes every hour for a couple weeks; this means we can’t work online and you can’t see the work when you want to. We’re moving to …

Bumper Sticker Blues

I had delivered my wife to DIA for an early morning flight, and was headed back to Boulder. The cruise control was nudging 75 in the 70 mph zone, the sun was bathing the front range in a soft bright white, and morning cirrus were already stretching their tails eastward; like most of mid-July Colorado, we could really use a good …

Arrogant Presumptuous* Traitorous Muslim Metrosexual

Traitorous Muslim Metrosexual— That’s how the right-wing meme machine is trying to define Barack Hussein Obama these days. . .

McCain’s Lack ‘o Vision Thing. . .

  . . . It’s Jesus Himself, come to anoint Senter Obama! Because He would rather we lose our war than Obama lose the election! Yeah, that’s the snark we’ve been waiting for. The Vision Thing Ever wonder how the old dude sees anything? How many 80 year old curmudgeons do you know that don’t wear bifocals? Yep, McBlink has …

Change You Can’t Believe In

Photo of McSame’s Botched Nip/Tuck & Hormone Treatment Said to Resemble Trash Media’s Bat Boy ABOARD THE DOUBLE TALK EXPRESS  (C.U. News) — In an effort to close the perceived and actual age gap between himself and his much younger rival for the presidency, presumptive Republican candidate John McSame has apparently taken the advice of his surgically and chemically-enhanced wife …

“The One”

From John Tomasic. Asked for comment on the media attention Obama was drawing for his trip, McCain simply said “It is what it is.” But [Elizabeth] Bumiller writes that she got a less-resigned reaction from McCain’s entourage. McCain’s comments were mild compared with the bleak mood and frustration on the part of his advisers, who have taken to referring to …