Palin Slashed Funds For Special Needs & Adoption

Palin’s initialed line item cuts The audience for Sarah Palin’s speech last night at the Rethugs convention were all a twitter over her promise: “To the families of special-needs children all across this country, I have a message: For years, you sought to make America a more welcoming place for your sons and daughters. I pledge to you that if …

China, Iraq Sign $3 billion Oil Deal

Finally. We now know why we’ve lost over 4150 troops, suffered 10ks of thousands of grievously wounded, murdered a million Iraqis, created refugees out of millions more, destabilized the Middle East, squandered our remaining moral standing in the world, and saddled our children’s children’s children with trillions of dollars of crushing debt. The neoconmen must be apoplectic. Iraq Signs Oil …

Home(s) Again, Home(s) Again. . .

To market, to market, to buy a fat pig, Homes again, homes again, dancing a jig; To market, to market, to buy a fat hog; Homes again, homes again, jiggety-jog; To market, to market, to buy a plum bun, Homes again, homes again, market is done. — Apologies to Mother Goose In 2006,  John and Cindy sold their 2-acre estate …

Johnnie’s Verp or Veep?

Johnnie “There will be more Wars Drill NOW!” McPOW holds his noses as he learns of his Veep selection; some observers insist he was actually verping— in response to Corporate America’s choice of younger, taller real president vice-president, Dick Mittens “Who let the dogs out?” Romney. Oh and— Happy birthday, “Old Spice.” Seventy-two, is it? Nice.

Sow The Wind, Reap The Economic Whirlwind

A number of significant economic statistics were announced yesterday: inflation hit a 71/2 year high; consumer earning power declined 3 1/2% from last year; and home foreclosures rose 55%. Fueling these economic fires has been the soaring cost of the Iraq war and occupation. Using credit cards, American taxpayers bought huge amounts of stock in Corporate America‘s colonization of Iraq. …

The Middle Class First

The Middle Class First. Not the Red State Middle Class. Not the Blue State Middle Class. Not the Republican middle Class. Not the Democrat Middle Class. Not the Conservative Middle Class. Not the Liberal Middle Class. Not the Right Wing Middle Class. Not the Left Wing Middle Class. Not the Christian middle Class. Not the Muslim Middle Class. Not the …

Updates To Some Recent Posts

McSame’s Mock Obama Strategy Under the direction of John McSame‘s new Rovian campaign strategist, Steve Schmidt, the attacks against Obama’s character have become so vituperative that even long-time McSame supporters like Mike Murphy and Mike Weaver are crying foul, (or at least, lame). Not only because they are damaging his brand as someone who eschews personal attacks, but because he …