Deficits Don’t Matter (Update; 2)

“What kind of irresponsible lunatic would vote for everyone of these misguide fiscal time bombs?”

Let’s Get Down To Business.

The Comeback Team “gets down to business” by working out a few romantic moves on each other.


OH NO NO. You can do better than that Willard, I want you to say it like you mean it, brother!

Sometimes You Just Have To Vent

“If Obama wins this election I will shut down my company and go on every government assistance program I can find!”

Chump Change

Sheldon Potter meets with President Barack Bailey at an undisclosed location. Lemme make myself perfectly clear. I own this election.  Do you know what that means? It means I own you, yer stinking government charade, and this stinking country fulla stinking surfs. Do you have any idea what it means to have 24 billion dollars? It means I answer to …

The Mittum Uncertainty Principle

We were reminded of these fundamental laws of quantum mechanics this weekend as the media ‘measured’ Mitt Romney’s claims about his involvement with Bain Capital…

Willard Goes Gratuitously Goth

Oooh! that Ron Paul guy and his crazy supporters are busy, butt, you know, still in the background. . .