The Scattered Brotherhood

A New Day Dawning When the tragedy of the world presses hard, remember that the power of God is in you. Let it use you— let it; don’t strive. Let the awareness of the presence of God within be like a flame to you, lighting you, warming you, cheering you this day and every day. It can be for you …


In between multiple plugs for natural gas, pharmaceutical companies who want to help me find free drugs, and Preparation H, Timeh the Russert potato-head opined on why the remaining super-delegates are not moved to give The Clint a reprieve on her life support. The Clint “If you want my guns you’ll have to pry them from my cold dead fingers.” …

What It Means To Be Human

ADAM and EVE   by Ernst Fuchs Our friend Sherry at A Feather Adrift has written another thought provoking essay on a range of religious issues. I’ve winnowed out several of her interesting questions for comment here. You will enjoy reading it  before you read this response. Is God fully omniscient in time and space? It is literally true that God …


Joe Biden points out one of the seven deadly sins: Gluttony. I heard from Joe Biden first thing this morning. Joe says: Dear Friend, This country can’t afford any more of the Republican Party’s failed leadership. It’s the reason I ran for president, and it’s the reason I’m writing to you today. Actually, I think Joe is aware that most …


Barack Obama told reporters of the MSM Mouse Circus he ate a lot of pot roasts and Jello molds growing up. Stunned reporters asked why an elitist would ever admit to “eating pot roasted and jello molded.” Atienne, a resident of a small town in Northwestern PA, responded to their stupidity this way: This is the problem with the MSM. …