An Epochal Religious Awakening

Barack Obama‘s recent efforts to reach out to the Evangelicals and Catholics in the name of spiritual and political unity, have taken some leaders by surprise. Daniel Burke for Religion News Service writes: It’s a move that’s caught some conservative evangelicals off guard. They say they are surprised and dismayed to see a liberal-minded politician attempting to conscript their troops. …

Dicking Around at Dickipedia

Most of you old-timie dicks have probably stumbled across Wickipedia by now. Perhaps a smaller number of you also know about Chickipedia. But very few have found their way to Dickipedia; “the wiki of dicks.” It must be fairly new, because there are quite a few really big dicks who aren’t mentioned— yet. Of course, having a dick technically qualifies …

’08 Election Results Accidentally Leaked

Friday The Thirteenth Has Forever Been Redefined WASHINGTON—Properly safeguarding the illusion of democracy is “job one” at Diebold, but nobody’s perfect. Our shadowy Overlords are occasionally exposed to the blinding light of reality when their computers hiccup, today revealing a McCain victory in November’s presidential election more than four months ahead of schedule. Not to worry. Television Networks, ever sensitive …

Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny

While the Obama campaign depicts the ontogeny of Organism McCain as the phylogenetic recapitulation of Species Bush, aka “running for Bush’s third term,” one has to wonder how McSame will respond. Perhaps he will take a page out of the old (and not so old) Kremlin playbook, as mentioned in Monday’s NY Times editorial titled Airbrushed by the Kremlin, Again, …

RFK’s Obama Prophecy

From yesterday’s Meet the Press: He gave a speech to the Voice of America all around the world 40 years ago. And despite what was going on in the country, particularly in Alabama, Bobby Kennedy said this: Things are “moving so fast in race relations a Negro could be president in 40 years.” This is in 1968, we’re now in …

Bad Friday?

Having a Bad Friday? Well. At least be grateful you don’t have to live in either one of these skulls.

Over the Top: Live Blogging the End of the Primaries

Anybody surprised that Fixed News is saying Obama is already over the top, before the polls close, while CNN and MSNBC are saying, in effect- not so fast? Anything to counter the obvious Dem strategy to have their Hollywood moment, declaring that either Nebraska or South Dakota have put Obama over the top rather than the INSIDERS at the DNC, …