Requiem For a Heavy Weight

I’m not worried. . . I’m not worried at all; I’m not worried at all; I’m not worried at all. . . I don’t worry. . . I’m not worried at all; I’m not worried at all; I’m not worried at all. . . I’m not worried at all; I’m not worried at all; I’m not worried at all. . …

Now Where is Our Other Mitten?

WTF?!? Suspended campaign?? El ex precandidato republicano a la presidencia Mittens How’s that differ from cuttin’ and runnin’, my Main Mormin?? Who cares if you agree with McLame “doing whatever to win in Iraq”! You said you were suspending your campaign (cuttin’ and runnin’) because you couldn’t allow the POTUS to “retreat in the face of evil extremism.” And your …


John McCain, and Homer Simpson— ever seen’em together? Think about it. LOS ANGELES— Astute observers have pointed to John McCain’s four-digit, yellow “cartoon hands” as a dead give-away that current Republican front-runner McCain is, in fact, Homer Simpson of the long-running telewision series.  Others point to his recent campaign promises of fewer jobs and more war for America as unmistakable …


“They’re just people, they watch telewision.” —Chris Matthews, of the Kennedy’s, endorsing Barack Obama YOU KNOW YOU LIVE IN A GREAT COUNTRY when a hairballing wanna-be-wag with a speech impediment can get a job addressing millions of people through television without having to blow a network executive.  Betchew a dowwar he doesn’t get canned anytime soon either.  That’s powitics.

Forbidden Planet: Meditations on the Exfoliation of Bush’s Id.

IN THE FUTURE, presidential candidates should be required to file psycho-environmental impact statements on the potential harm their damaged psyches can inflict upon the rest of us. In W.J. Stuart’s classic si-fi novel Forbidden Planet (loosely based on Shakepeare’s The Tempest and later a 1956 movie), a rescue mission is sent to find out what happened to the crew of …

Is Obama Really Black?

Tammy Johnson of RaceWire writes: Barack Obama “. . . is not a scary black man. He won’t make white people confront racial inequities, deal with issues of privilege or the structural racism that undergirds this country.” With Hillary’s injection of Dr. Martin Luther King smack dab in the middle of presidential politics, it’s entirely fitting to note that Dr. …

Cheaters Never Win?

Patriot Commander-in-Coach, Bill Belichick under arrest by the High Moral Overlord…