The Learning Curve

It is the mission of religion to prepare man for bravely, even heroically, facing the vicissitudes of life. Religion is evolutionary man’s supreme endowment, the one thing which enables him to carry on and “endure as seeing Him who is invisible.”

Course Correction

You know the cliché: Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans. The reason it’s a cliché is because it’s also a truism; for us as well as for you.

John Zebedee

    Perhaps no other single family contributed more to the work of the mission of Jesus than that of the Zebedees. The Zebedee brothers, James and John, followed two other brothers, Andrew and Peter, into the apostolic core,  and David Zebedee was indispensable as the organizer and manager of a messenger service for the Master’s work.  This is The …

Yesterday, Today; Always.

Yes. Yesterday was the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Today is our first opportunity since then,  to put his truth to work. And tomorrow, and always. Martin emerged from the crucible of his times speaking with the timeless voice of eternal truth, and he spoke it fearlessly until the fearful took it from us;  now is the time to bring …

The Need For Awareness

IN THIS dissolving world when events are so quickly followed by events, in confusion, with personalities emerging out of the crucible, great and lasting changes are taking place, and you are naturally assailed through your sensitiveness by the insistent alarms and cold fears that people are subject to.  It is a moment when I would like to review your adventure …

The Scattered Brotherhood

Lift Your Spirit IN THESE TIMES you cannot afford to meet the shock of life with emotion; you cannot hate, you cannot fear.  The evil that you see has always been here;  the ignorance is not for you to judge, nor should you respond to it even in the sense of so-called righteous indignation.  We have tried to teach you …

Life On The World Of The Cross

The soft light of the instrument panel shone off the large eyes of navigator Dorac. He placed the ship into low orbit, approximately over Washington, DC. Pilot Nandon, pressed a series of actions into the ship. The first was her announcement to the entire host: My friends, we are orbiting the World of the Cross; the tarnished shrine of our beloved Creator Son whom the natives put to death. We are now over the capital city of the federation of states known as the United States of America.