The Nature Of The Game

Village hack Joe Klein just doesn’t get it: How incompetent is the Romney campaign? They keep coming up with these stupid gambits–the last was the lie that Obama opposed early voting for members of the military in Ohio–that are shot down instantaneously (everywhere but in Fox-Rush land). And worse, the Democrats–who seem to have a superior oppo team–can often produce counter-stories, …

Careful What You Ask For

From TPM: 2/22/2012 Just over a week ago, the New York Times ran an eye-opening story about a key paradox in U.S. politics: It turns out the biggest critics of federal spending — Republican base voters — are some of the biggest beneficiaries of the social safety net. Expand on that irony, and you’ll find that some of the most conservative …

The Creation Of Adam’s Apple

Be with you in a minute, Dad The Bible assumes that God created Adam as a fully developed man. But per the passage below from The Urantia Book, re “circular simultaneity,” what Michelangelo saw in his mind’s eye as he contemplated Genesis’ account of the creation of the first man, could be but a snapshot in the non-linear cycle of creation …

Mittens Has No Core

Mittens takes the missionary position…except when he doesn’t As has been demonstrated numerous times by Willard Mitt Romney himself, the man has no core. To repeat what we’ve said here: Consider his ongoing plethora of policy flip-flops, of his penchant for saying whatever a particular audience wants to hear, no matter how much it conflicts with his previous positions to previous audiences. …

Romney, The Prevaricating Bully

Willard Mitt Romney during his bullying days at Cranbrook School “Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. They possess and enjoy early, and it does something to them, makes them soft, where we are hard, cynical where we are trustful, in a way that, unless you were born rich, it is very …

Coming To America: The Handmaid’s Tale

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy In Ayatollah Santorum & The Republic(ans) Of Gilead, we noted some eerie parallels between Margaret Atwood‘s novel The Handmaid’s Tale and a resurgence of  the extreme religious right’s influence over the GOP in this presidential election year. The issues are familiar ones: separation of church and state (a …