America the Community

AMERICA THE COMMUNITY By Stan Hartman   There is so little that is close and warm. It is as if we were never children. —Wallace Stevens Those are some of the saddest lines in the whole of American literature, yet they also point to an aspect of America that’s most deeply joyful— the sense of real family, and in a …

Someone’s Been Peeing in the Gene Pool Again

How else to explain a comments like this, captured by Dana Milbank in Tuesday’s WAPO: “I don’t care too much for Obama,” Maria Norgren, the daughter and granddaughter of steelworkers… “I don’t even think he’s American,” added her husband, Edward, who lost his job when the steel mills closed… “His father’s from Nigeria, right?” asked Maria, wearing a Pittsburgh Steelers …

Sooner Or Later, You’ll Own Generals

That was a popular jingle in my youth, referring to a brand of tire. A Madison Avenue version of the old Jedi mind trick of suggestion. (It didn’t work on me, as I had opted for Dupont radials for my first car, a 1956 Austin Healy.) Little did I know that a few decades later we’d be treated to a …


UPDATED. . . McCain “Family Recipes” Lifted from the Bush Administration The MSM mouse circus has cooked up another diversionary dish ‘o shit this week, the main entrée being a few purloined recipes from the Food Chanel being tossed off as “family recipes” of the McCain family, (as if McCain could find her way to any one of her own …


Yep, Chimpy stopped by our office today. The hardcore software geeks have their own communal cell near the center of the campus circles. I was almost finished painting a mural on the last wall of their cube farm, one of four twenty foot tall stucco constraints with no windows;  at least now the poor bastards would have something beautiful to …


History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies, and misdeeds of mankind. — Edward Gibbon 1737 — 1794 IN THE LUSTY DAYS. . . when the surge of civilization pushed onward to broader horizons. . . and a mighty breed of man wrested new life from the wilderness. . . But close on the pioneer trail …

A Selective Look At Today’s News

• An alarming number of people are wearing their shirts inside out today. • The last flake of snow melted off the roof hours ago. • A quantum leap was made by several thousand seekers since midnight, and several thousand more will experience one before midnight. • Hundreds of tires are going flat as you read this. • Some people …