Strategery Fail

It actually gives me hope that, eventually, US policy makers will finally get a clue about the futility of trying to maintain worn out strategery tropes like: Might makes right, Manifest Destiny, and American Exceptionalism.

Gays, Guns, God & Gynecology

Hearing into women’s reproductive issues: What’s wrong with this picture?  Last summer when the economy was still sputtering and deficit reduction was all the rage, the Rethugs believed they had the perfect campaign theme to run on—restoring the economy. That they were mainly responsible for its demise was hardly an insurmountable problem in their eyes. Counting on low information voters with …

Military Intelligence Strikes Again

Death is always at the door in a lumbering— or landing— Chinook C47. WASHINGTON —Fresh off the worst single event loss of life in a decade of war in Afghanistan, remarks made by a couple govmint turkeys recently about al-Qaeda being on the brink of collapse look particularly foolish. During a recent visit to Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta …

Daffy Qadaffy Flashback

Remember the good old days when the Bush Administration embraced Daffy Qaddafi and brought him back into the Brotherhood of Nations, a mere 30 months ago? What went wrong? Did he insult Kenya somehow, and by extension, President Obama‘s extended family? Surely former Secretary of State Condi Rice would answer a call to duty from her current president to help …

From The White House Office Of Preemptive Capitulation (Update)

The White House released its proposed budget yesterday, packaged as “shared sacrifice.” Deep cuts to social programs sit at one end of the budgetary teeter totter; and a rise in income taxes for those earning over $250,000 at the other. One can be forgiven for asking: If President Obama, despite clear campaign promises to the contrary, couldn’t get a Democratic …

Afutilestan XIII: The Year In Review

As Commander in Chief wanna be Sarah Palin might put it: How’s that surge thingy workin out for ya, Mr. President? Not so good, as The Wall Street Journal reports this week: Internal United Nations maps show a marked deterioration of the security situation in Afghanistan during this year’s fighting season, countering the Obama administration’s optimistic assessments of military progress …

Bush Wacked

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The Decider Returns Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity Jon Stewart on Bush’s No Apology Tour When Jon Stewart mentions half way through this segment that he hadn’t thrown up once, yet, he was referring to a nasty case of the stomach flu …