The State Of Ayn Rand

The body politic is organismal and functions best as a whole. This collective intelligence represenst a state of “we.” When an individual cell rebels from the “we state” and enters the “me state,” we call that the Ayn Rand state, aka cancer.

Rope & Change: The Birth Of A Nation

Tracing Racism from the 1915 film The Birth of a Nation to the 2012 GOP Presidential Campaign

We Haven’t Run The Numbers

Ed Schultz is gobsmacked by Paul Ryan’s inattention to detail Picking up where we left off yesterday, documenting GOP Wonder Boy’s votes to explode the deficit while preaching fiscal austerity (and hypocritically requesting stimulus funds and then lying about  it, to boot), Rockin’ Ryan sat down for his first solo interview with, guess who, Fux News. Britt Hume asked him …

Stupid Rethug Mediscare Tricks

The Grand Obstructionist Party has known ever since it voted for the Paul Ryan economic plans in 2011, The Path to Prosperity: Restoring America’s Promise; and again in March of this year, The Path to Prosperity: A Blueprint for American Renewal, that the provision calling for the voucherization of Medicare would present the single greatest obstacle to their success in …

Coming To America: The Handmaid’s Tale

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy In Ayatollah Santorum & The Republic(ans) Of Gilead, we noted some eerie parallels between Margaret Atwood‘s novel The Handmaid’s Tale and a resurgence of  the extreme religious right’s influence over the GOP in this presidential election year. The issues are familiar ones: separation of church and state (a …

Paul Ryan Throws Ayn Rand Under The Bus (Update)

Paul Ryan to the poor: The beatings will continue until morale improves.