McCain Displays Advanced Obama Derangement Syndrome

McCain’s revenge.

Mitt Romney’s Fevered Dreams: #3

A Romney Adviser Flippantly Characterized Romney As “Shell Shocked” After His Historic Loss

Bloomborg Bidnesswuss

I’m not sayin’ the folks at Bloomberg Businessweek are a bunch of wusses—  well, yes I am.
(If you want to see de Jesus, you must click it.)

Bloomborg Businessweek has been pushing their creative constraints lately, notably last week with their It’s Global Warming, Stupid cover, and again this week with their Old Obama cover, here.

But if they were really free of their mainstream constraints, like for instance the fictional-centered, cyber publication Bloomborg Bidnesswuss is, they could crawl out on a creative limb and bust it up a tatt or two.

Whatever Barack Obama does in the next four years, whether it’s dying his hair orange, fixing the economy, gettin’ a couple neck tatts, or discovering another source of material energy— wouldn’t that be awesome?— we Americans are going to have to participate.

Now is a time for renewed optimism, but only if we put our optimism to work— on solving a whole slew of problems the past few generations have left in the wake of their, um, reckless abandon.  Can we do this thing?  Come on.  Think it with me:

Yes We Can.

Mechanical inventions and the dissemination of knowledge are modifying civilization;  certain economic adjustments and social changes are imperative if cultural disaster is to be avoided.  This new and oncoming social order will not settle down complacently for a millennium.¹  The human race must become reconciled to a procession of changes, adjustments, and readjustments.  Mankind is on the march toward a new and unrevealed planetary destiny.
The Urantia Book

¹ That’s right— a “millennium” is a thousand years.

Samuel L. Jackson Sez: “WAKE THE FUCK UP”

“Sorry, my friend, but there’s not time to snore. An out of touch millionaire just declared war On schools, the environment, unions, fair pay. We’re all on our way if Romney has his way. He’s against safety nets. If you fall, tough luck. So I strongly suggest, that you wake the fuck up.“ Credit for the video apparently goes to …

The Nature Of The Game

Village hack Joe Klein just doesn’t get it: How incompetent is the Romney campaign? They keep coming up with these stupid gambits–the last was the lie that Obama opposed early voting for members of the military in Ohio–that are shot down instantaneously (everywhere but in Fox-Rush land). And worse, the Democrats–who seem to have a superior oppo team–can often produce counter-stories, …


OH NO NO. You can do better than that Willard, I want you to say it like you mean it, brother!