Tomorrow Never Dies: UPDATE

Former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum tells it like it is: Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us, and now we are discovering we work for Fox. Do yourself a favor and rent/download the prescient 1997 James Bond film, Tomorrow Never Dies. The bad guy, Elliot Carver, runs a billion dollar media empire that makes its money creating …

Teabaggers Turn Their Ids Inside Out

Teabaggers threatening violence against health insurance reform That we are now firmly involved in what Jacques Ellul called the irreversible, integration/activation phase of a 30 year long corporatist propaganda campaign was on full display today at the nation’s Capitol. Hundreds of highly agitated Teabaggers, whipped into a frenzy by the demigods of right wing radio and television and a few …


When anyone hears God’s spirit speak within their human heart, inherent in that very experience is the fact that God simultaneously hears that person’s prayer.

The Hindmost Returns

The Hindmost, a cowardly Puppeteer from Larry Niven’s Ringworld series Dickhead Cheney is at it again, criticizing President Obama’s response to the failed terrorist attempt to take down an airliner over the U.S. on Christmas Day. Seems that Darth isn’t happy that Obama is implicitly rejecting the Bush Administration‘s idiotic and counterproductive “war on terrorism” frame for something more rational …

Cornyn On Health Care Reform

Who does Senator John Cornyn (Rethug- TX) think he is– Alexander Solzhenitsyn? What better place than the Fux News Rethug propaganda channel to announce that the Dems’ health care reform plan is the equivalent of a Soviet labor-concentration camp.

Crazy Like A Zero-Tolerance Fox

After a rash of mistakes and apologies over the past weeks, Fox News has sent a memo to employees announcing a new “zero tolerance” policy for on-screen errors. FishBowlDC obtained the memo, sent last Friday, which warns mistakes could lead to written warnings, suspensions and termination. USojo, however, has obtained the rough draft of that memo, which we thought was a lot more insightful and entertaining:

Laura Ingraham: Right Into Teh Crazy Zone

Instead of Rod Serling standing invitingly at the crossroads of reality and the twilight zone, the wingut universe sees instead Yogi Berra and taken his legendary advice: When you come to a fork in the road, take it. Right into teh crazy zone. Exhibit One: Laura Ingraham’s appearance Sunday on This Week With George Stepanopolus Too cowardly to make her …