The Violent Fruits Of Beck’s Paranoia

The scariest part of this interview is how rational Byron Williams sounds. That could mean that the propaganda spew of his “teacher” Glenn Beck is working on more than just the feeble minded. Then again, Goebbels‘ propaganda infected what was then one of the world’s most literate populations. I wonder how many more sponsors Beck’s going to lose once they …


A re-imagined Donald Duck cartoon remix constructed using 50 classic Walt Disney animated shorts from the 1930s through 1960s. Donald’s life is turned upside-down by the current economic crisis and he finds himself unemployed and falling behind on his house payments. As his frustration turns into despair Donald discovers a seemingly sympathetic voice coming from his radio named Glenn Beck. …

Colbert Storms The Hill

Political satire has a long and effective history of highlighting important social and political issues, going back at least as far as the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. Contemporary satire has taken many forms, from political cartoonists like the late Paul Conrad; the sixties Yippies throwing burning cash from the balcony of the New York Stock Exchange, performance art that …

The Summers Of Our Discontent

Three down, two to go. Obama’s daily economic briefing team: Peter Orszag, Christina Romer, Larry Summers, Timothy Geithner, and Jared Bernstein A month after President Obama took office, in a post titled Geithner’s Rescue Plan, I called on him to dump both Geithner and his chief economic architect, Larry Summers: Obama likes to brag that he can walk and chew …

Glenn Beck: Let Them Die.

Since First Lady Michelle Obama unveiled her Let’s Move! program to fight obesity, a cackle of fat cat conservatives have attacked her efforts as just another Obama assault on the personal freedoms and liberties of french fry-loving, overweight Americans.

Koch Suckers

Proving that while intelligence may be limited, stupidity is not Getting people to consistently vote against their own self-interest is one of the more fascinating dimensions of American politics, a triumph of modern propaganda technique. You’d think that people who can barely survive on low paying, non-union jobs and have no health insurance for themselves or their families would support …

King v. Beck

Can’t wait to hear the Beckophiles howl about how unfair it is to run actual clips of their hero’s bigotry and madness.