Wingnuts are voracious eaters; they loves them some fried stuff. I’m a voracious reader; so when I happened upon a shiny new copy of WINGNUT magazine in the restroom of The Big Chicken in Marietta, Georgia, I did the Right thing: I totally appropriated it.

This Week In Teh Crazy ·8·8·09·

Another jaw-dropper week in Teh Crazy as we hunker down for the August recess/hyperbolic frenzy of the continuing implosion of the Rethuglicans. Read it and weep. Or cling to your religion and guns. Whatever blows your skirt up. I have alcohol to consume.

Judgment Day

It’s time to excise the cancer for the American body politic known as Bush-Cheney Administration. When both Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and former Grand Inquisitor Darth Cheney agree that critical documents be declassified about how torture was used during the previous eight years, you know the worm has turned. In other words, it’s time for a truth commission. …

More Proximity Politics

The little man rises up on his toes again.  It’s an uncontrollable urge to be bigger than he really is, if even for a split second. The little arms shoot out in tandem, fingers splayed as wide as they will go;  the gesture is brief, tentative, and awkward, out of sync with his emphasis:  “Sentor [sic] Obama took a very …

Dem Leaders Pee On Constitution & Say It’s Raining

Rep. Steny Hoyer demonstrates his insight into 4th Amendment Put aside for the moment that Nancy Pelosi, Jane Harman, Jay Rockefeller, et al, were “read into” Bush’s illegal wiretapping tapping program and are thus complicit in breaking the FISA law. And therefore have every reason to grant immunity to the telecoms and the Bushies, regardless of what damage it does …