Crazy Like A Zero-Tolerance Fox

After a rash of mistakes and apologies over the past weeks, Fox News has sent a memo to employees announcing a new “zero tolerance” policy for on-screen errors. FishBowlDC obtained the memo, sent last Friday, which warns mistakes could lead to written warnings, suspensions and termination. USojo, however, has obtained the rough draft of that memo, which we thought was a lot more insightful and entertaining:

Apocalyptic Clusterphuquers

Apocalyptic blowhards Jerry Jenkins and Timmeh LaHaye, co-authors of the hysterically ironic “Left Behind” series, join Sarah Palin’s fave buttboy, Sean Hannity in the latest conservatard craze, “Palin’ It.”

When Teh SOCIALISM Comes!

When Teh SOCIALISM comes… Teh Great White Stoopid will be dressed up like rodeo clowns and forced to live in feed lots with the other cattle. Right to Far Right: Rush Limbaugh (with ginormous man-boobs), Michele Bachmann, Jim DeMint (with banjo), Bill O’Reilly, Max Baucus (chicken suit), Glenn Beck, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell (in back), Rick Santorum, (seated), Sarah Palin …


Wingnuts are voracious eaters; they loves them some fried stuff. I’m a voracious reader; so when I happened upon a shiny new copy of WINGNUT magazine in the restroom of The Big Chicken in Marietta, Georgia, I did the Right thing: I totally appropriated it.

Sean’s Latest Buttload

Normally, it’s prudent to ignore Sean Hannity, an infantile little shit-stick who can look you in the eye and lie unblinking. But not today.

False Equivalency

Tweety during his silver tongued false equivalency rant On his Hardball show  yesterday, Chris Matthews did a segment called The Hate Machine about the dog whistle relationship between right wing extremists and their “conservative” enablers in the media. Though he didn’t mention the inciters by name, I will– O’Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, and Beck being just the most prominent hate …

The Last Refuge Of A DICK

Sorry kids, no time for blogging today, my socialist postal comrade just delivered the July DICK, which I usually use as a harsh laxative. Although there’s always a Dick on the cover, the mag is not totally dedicated to the current Dick ‘o the walk, Dick Cheney; they cover every swingin’ dick that’s made it into the Dickipedia, as well as most of the worthy contenders. But if dicks keep popping out of the woody-work, they may have to go to a weekly publishing schedule.