The Curse Of Palin

Queen Sarah escapes from Pandora’s Box and offers her “help” at a brokered GOP convention

Dancing With The Zombies

Cain’s chronic cognitive flatulence is early onset stage of Zombie-dumb

Change It Forward

The Occupy movement will either mature quickly into a strong political movement, as it should, or disintegrate into nothing more than a paragraph in the next generation of American history books. The choice is OURS.

And The Winner Is…

Sure, it was just a few ignoramai who cheered for a man to die* because he didn’t have insurance coverage; but figure those few in every county of the U.S., and you start to see the problem of harboring large numbers of under-educated buffoons who have been granted the right of suffrage. …The Tea Baggers! I can’t blame anyone for …

Thank You, Baggers

Ohhhhhh yeah. Thank you. Thank you for making 2012 historic in ways you are too stupid to ever comprehend. And thanks to these guys: really.   D.C. Douglas, and Tengrain.          

Like A Three-legged Stool

Our voice is made up of Americans from all walks of life like a three-legged stool!

Atlas Mugged: Making The World Safe For Sociopaths

What do Ayn Rand, Paul Ryan, the Teabaggers, and Lucifer have in common? (If you want to feel the backward, you must click it.) In Ayn Rand’s 1957 novel and current movie, Atlas Shrugged, the ideological template for those wishing to usher in a new Gilded Age run by billionaire plutocrats like the Koch Brothers, Atlas is meant to symbolize …