Putting Terrorism On Trial: Wingers Piss Their Diapers (Updated)

Diaper DicksGOP Diaper wetters: David “PP” Vitter, Tony “Depends” Blankley,
R. Hudson “Incontinent”
Limpboughtenpaidfor, Eric “WeWee” Cantor,
John “Sissy-Boy Boehner, and weepy Mitch McConnell.

Said GOP House Leader John Boehner yesterday:

The Obama Administration’s irresponsible decision to prosecute the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks in New York City puts the interests of liberal special interest groups before the safety and security of the American people.”

WTF? “Interests of liberal special interest groups?” That’s the best they can do? I don’t even know what that means.

I thought the Rethugs were supposed be the tuff guys, all macho about confronting terrorists and paying whatever price is necessary to defeat the evildoers. Instead they’re pissing their diapers, concerned that upholding the rule of law in New York would somehow make it a target of terrorists.

Again, WTF? Where have they been the last two decades?

Furthermore, they’re concerned that holding a trial within walking distance of the One World Trade Center would somehow hand Al Qaeda a propaganda victory, as if betraying our commitment to the rule of law and keeping and torturing KSM and his ilk in The Black Hole of GITMO-Calcutta hasn’t been a Al Qaeda recruiting gold mine for the last 6 1/2 years.  As Prof Juan Cole put it in his blog Saturday:

Obama just took those propaganda tools away from the enemy and began the process of repairing America’s reputation and its fidelity to its own ideals.

IOW, putting KSM et al on trial would be responding to their heinous acts,  on our terms,  not theirs.

What all the winger hang wringing and pearl clutching is really about was revealed yesterday by WA-Times Moonie editor, Tony Blankley on NPR’s Right, Left, and Center. Mr. B. whined incessantly that this wasn’t about the rule of law, or America returning to its ideals and principles, or its attempt to reclaim the international moral high ground. Rather it was an attempt to score political points, to settle scores, to put the Cheney Administration itself on trial.

For what— its murderous incompetence and immorality? It’s false narrative that only the Rethugs can keep us safe when 9/11, the anthrax attacks, and two debilitating wars and occupations happened on their watch?

That’s all just icing on the cake.

UPDATE: Jon Stewart’s take on the continuing media coverage, boner cancer, Nancy Grace, Geraldo Rivera, NY street justice, and a no-holds barred smackdown debate over whether cringing in fear over a potential terrorist attack is more important than demonstrating the strength of the US justice system, featuring  in the red corner, Rudi Giulani, and in the blue corner, Rudy Giulani.

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  1. When these GOP morons say they’re afraid of trying terror suspects in criminal courts or of holding them in super max prisons, they’re really saying they don’t trust Americans to keep themselves safe, among other things. Why do they hate America so much?

  2. the rethugs are scared shitless that the enemy will be seen as what they are–just men, not some indestructible monsters that we have to live in fear of every waking moment. they want us cowering under our beds (next to the powdered milk and cans of tuna fish) as we look to them as our protectors. not only will trials reestablish our country as one that respects the rule of law, it will also take the terrorists down a notch by showing them to be the cowards they really are.

    1. nonnie all we have under our mattress is a truckload of duct tape for teh anthrax. gleck actually said this trial should be in the world court or something; like they respect the frackin’ world court all of a sudden. but yeah, Beck! Do it! Believe in the UN now, you HIPPOcrite!

  3. Propagandee

    Rome wasn’t destroyed in a day. Depending on what evidence the judge rules admissable, such evidence could form the predicate of a future indictment against those who ordered crimes like torture.

    In any event, the KSM trial will help reframe the narrative that terrorism is a tactic and a crime, not something one goes to “war” against. The war frame is the most pernicious of them all as it inevitably comes down to other buzz frames like “victory” and “defeat”, affecting policy decisions like the one now confronting Obama on Afutilestan. War means going all in, costs be damned.

    Which makes the timing of Holder’s decision all the more interesting.

  4. mary b

    ” Mr. B. whined incessantly that this wasn’t about the rule of law, or America returning to its ideals and principles, or its attempt to reclaim the international moral high ground. Rather it was an attempt to score political points, to settle scores, to put the Cheney Administration itself on trial.”

    If we were following the rule of law, and the words of the Constitution itself, wouldn’t Cheney and the rest of them already have been brought to trial?

    1. Hi Mary,
      That’s a big “maybe.” It’s the “we” that becomes the determiner of whether we follow the “law.” Allowing for the scope of the debacle Dick-Bush handed us, I still think their indictment must come before the half-way point of the Obama administration.
      Not holding my breath.

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