The Violent Fruits Of Beck’s Paranoia

The scariest part of this interview is how rational Byron Williams sounds. That could mean that the propaganda spew of his “teacher” Glenn Beck is working on more than just the feeble minded. Then again, Goebbels‘ propaganda infected what was then one of the world’s most literate populations.

I wonder how many more sponsors Beck’s going to lose once they get hold of this little vid. In the wake of calling President Obama a racist, the tally was over 80. Compared to inciting murder, however, playing the racism card is a relatively mild affair, so I would expect the fallout to be even worse. Bullet hole ridden police cars make for far more powerful visuals than a suit wearing Beck being interviewed by Fux and Friends in a well-appointed television studio.

That won’t bother Rupert Murdoch, however. He ran Fux News at a $500 million loss for years. Same basic story with the Rev. Sun Yung Moon and his Washington Times. I guess you just can’t put a price on the value of propaganda.

Mind share is more valuable than market share to some. Even if it means launching a new wave of domestic terrorism.


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