Putting the Con In Conservative

The ends days of the GOP as we’ve come to loath it are nigh.

Grayson To Cheney: STFU

Using the same words in the US Constitution that defines treason— aid and comfort to the enemy— former VP Darth Cheney (wheezing in a way I haven’t heard before), lashed out at President Obama in his tireless campaign to influence the jury pool preparatory to his inevitable indictment as a war criminal.

This Week In Teh Crazy ·8·8·09·

Another jaw-dropper week in Teh Crazy as we hunker down for the August recess/hyperbolic frenzy of the continuing implosion of the Rethuglicans. Read it and weep. Or cling to your religion and guns. Whatever blows your skirt up. I have alcohol to consume.