The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Part III

According to Fux News host, Obama used a raw onion to fake tears while talking about school kids dying. Recently, it was reported that―horror of horrors!―Obama doesn’t watch enough cable news, and therefore doesn’t understand the nation’s concerns about terrorism…Some would consider eschewing the manufactured reality of the cable news media-industrial-complex a feature and not a bug.

Dick In Undisclosed Location

Ex-president and prosecutable war criminal, Dick Cheney, is reportedly “resting comfortably” at an undisclosed location after an undisclosed “procedure.”

Deficits Don’t Matter (Update; 2)

“What kind of irresponsible lunatic would vote for everyone of these misguide fiscal time bombs?”

Competence Versus Bluster

Six days after the attacks of 9/11, President George W. Bush gave a press conference where he proclaimed in his trademarked macho swagger


When you have made evil the means of survival,
do not expect men to remain good.
Do not expect them to stay moral and lose their lives for
the purpose of becoming the fodder of the immoral.
Do not expect them to produce, when
production is punished and looting rewarded.
Do not ask, ‘Who is destroying the world?’ •You are.**

Brewing UP Trouble UPDATE 2

The irony of protesting wasteful government spending by purchasing a million tea bags and throwing them in various bodies of water is lost on teh protesting Tea Baggers. Which “grass roots” group came up with those bucks? Then there’s the sheer craziness of middle class Republicans protesting the end of tax cuts for the wealthy (the way the Republican controlled Congress under Bush wrote the law in the first place) after the passage of the largest tax cut for the rest of us, in our history.