“What magic could death hold— the natural dissolution of the material body— that such a simple step should instantly transform the mortal and material mind into an immortal and perfected spirit? Such beliefs are but ignorant superstitions and pleasing fables.”

Cosmological Questions For Lunch.

Day 24,510 On This Planet But first: Remember:  On average, stars are no closer together than say, a dozen oranges would be at maximum equidistance from each other inside the volume of the sphere of the earth. Please answer, if you can: Where and or how did time and space originate? Who (or what) created the universe(s)? What is reality? What is life, and how …

Sledge To The Face

Steve Jobs set out to change the world; not like a gentle Buddhist, but like a revolutionary, willing to throw a sledge hammer right in your face.

X-MAS Is For Atheists Too

• “I’ve seen things you ‘people’ wouldn’t believe.  Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I’ve watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.  All those… moments… lost in time… like… tears… in rain…” “I want more life,  fucker!” • In a film widely regarded as one of the best movies ever made, a humanoid creature …