Herman Cain: Bizarro World’s Robbin’ Hood (Koch Bros Update)

  The Teabagger’ search for the anti-Romney has been a long and frustrating one. First came Michelle Bachmann. After winning the way overrated Ames Iowa Straw Poll in the same week she was featured on the cover of Newsweek as “The Queen of Rage,” staring into the camera like the batshit crazy religious zealot she is. In near record time she plummeted …


GOP presidential wanna-be Michele Bachmann ruminates before hundreds of dead animal carcasses: “Our campaign is alive and well.” The irony. . .  it burns  :-O DES MOINES, IOWA — You simply can’t make this stuff up.  As a new USA Today/Gallup poll rolls out showing her gasping along at 5 percent and way behind rivals like Texas Governor Lil’ Ricky …

And The Winner Is…

Sure, it was just a few ignoramai who cheered for a man to die* because he didn’t have insurance coverage; but figure those few in every county of the U.S., and you start to see the problem of harboring large numbers of under-educated buffoons who have been granted the right of suffrage. …The Tea Baggers! I can’t blame anyone for …

Rethugs Eating Their Own

Texas Gov. Rick Perry supports nation building abroad but not at home The Teabaggers’ latest flavor of the month, Gov. Rick Perry of Texas, has enjoyed a meteoric rise to frontrunner status in the Grand Obstructionist Party‘s pursuit of the White House. But as his positions on issues like immigration, where he supports a state version of the ‘Dream Act’ …

Teabaggers Prepare For Alien Invasion

Aliens tipped off by climate change begin their hostile takeover of earth With both houses of Congress and the President away on summer vacation, it’s been a slow news week. Unless of course you count the number of gaffs that regularly proceed from the lips of various GOP presidential candidates as they try to out-crazy each other for the wingnut …

Candid Bachmann Photos Turn Up On Internets

A happy pair of Bachmanns in their StillWater Minn. kitchen; looks like another loaf of fresh-baked bs is ready.

Fruits Of Teh Crazy Tree

Mugshot of Jared Loughner after massacring  six and wounding fourteen When asked if his daughter, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), currently in a medically induced coma after taking a bullet to the brain,  had any political enemies, Spencer Giffords replied: “Yeah, the whole Tea Party.” While at present there is no direct line of evidence linking Jared Loughner to the Tea …