STILLWATER, MN — Late this week candid home security camera photos from the Marcus Bachmann residence were leaked to the internets. No claims of authenticity accompanied the photos, Two of which are from a kitchen security video, and show the Bachmanns in a somewhat dated kitchen, musing over an apparent baking catastrophe and reciting some sort of pledge— in the kitchen.

No one has questioned Bachmann‘s patriotism since her pre-emptive attack on “Anti-Americans” in the Congress, and in particular, president Barack Obama. “I am very concerned that he [Barack Obama] may have anti-American views.” on national television in 2008.

The LSM buzz this week was the disclosure that Michele suffers from migraine headaches, which led to immediate speculation that the photo of Bachmann “candidly” relaxing in her special corner, next to a device that has been tentatively identified as a 1950’s-era Rotopluker “Migraininator” was actually intentionally leaked.
Bachmann gained notoriety by proposing the Light Bulb Freedom of Choice Act, declaring global warming a hoax, and announcing herself spokes-queen of the Republican Tea party Caucus which she created.
Where did she get the 1950′s-era Rotopluker? I thought those were banned.
You missed the home video of Sunday morning brunch…
She should be wearing her tinfoil hat when next to the Migraininator….get better reception that way
what a happy couple. even during a baking disaster, botox batshit bachmann looks ecstatic, and marcus look downright gay! 😀
And he sounds “gayer” than he looks! 😈 😯
Ho, ho, ho! Hee, hee, hee! But where’s the Beaver?
Not touchin’ that one… 😆
Cant imagine there would be much beaver touching in that household…