White Horse Prophecy Redux

Now that Mittens is covertly running for president―the clear implication of his desperate call for GOP voters to deprive Dumbledore Drumpf of delegates by voting for whomever has the best chance of beating him one state at a time―it’s time to revisit the Mormon White Horse prophecy.

Mitt Romney, Glenn Beck, & The White Horse Prophecy

Mitt Romney’s attempt to satisfy the White Horse Prophecy is going up in flames.

Oily Barbour’s Killer Toothpaste (Edited)

Mississippi’s Boss Hog Haley Bourbor is giving BP CEO Tony Hayward a run for his money for most asinine comment about the catastrophe both of them helped unleash on the Gulf of Mexico. Upon viewing the first traces of oil from the Macando well blowout to hit the Mississippi coast at Petit Bois Island Wednesday, Barbour remarked: “By God’s grace, …

Illegal Aliens

Was NAFTA a plot by illegal aliens to monopolize the food industry? Boy, are there a lot of dots to connect over the whole immigration issue right now, a disharmonic convergence of factors ranging from the consequences of Clinton’s disastrous NAFTA bill to how the new Arizona law, which in true Rovian fashion, seems designed to suppress voter turnout in …

Wingnut Woodstock: The Sequel (Update)

A Foxbot eagerly awaiting his marching orders Following up on last year’s preview of the annual gathering of  CPAC convention, this year’s keynote speaker is none other than Glenn Beck. Other featured speakers include Dick Armey, John Ashcroft, Rep. Michele Bachmann, John Bolton, Andrew Breitbart, Tucker Carlson, Liz Cheney, Ann Coulter, Sen. Jim DeMint, Wayne LaPierre, and Newt Gingrich. That’s …