The Divine Light of Justice

bush booking photoIf we are a nation of laws, this booking photo must be taken.

Steven Weber.

[F]or George Bush, introspection is yet another thing he’s heard about that a guy in his position oughtta do from time to time.  After all, he will have been a two-term president and he can afford, after all the heavy lifting he’s done, to be philosophical (another thing he’s heard guys like him oughtta be from time to time).

But reflection is impossible if there’s no light. Or intellect. Or wisdom. Or truth. Any analysis he could offer on virtually any subject would be severely handicapped at conception, born into this world already abridged and pre-regurgitated.

The Emperor’s New Clothes 2.0 that was the Bush 43 administration generates as much stunning incredulity for its blatant Orwellian Newspeak bullshit quotient than for the actual deeds themselves so ably performed by the neo-con goon squad in the names of Profit and Power. It suggests not mere political obfuscation or slick sleight of hand practiced by pickpockets working a crowd at a carny but the existence of an actual survival technique practiced by the über-wealthy and über-powerful: the creation of individually tailored truths, codes of behavior that have little to do with traditionally disseminated rules for peaceful coexistence by which the smaller, less affluent, less powerful, less important people live.

George Bush offers us wistful admissions of fallibility, as if that will assuage his despicable, destructive reign. He trusts that the little people themselves will not want to reflect on the damage so he, magnanimous god that he is, does it for us. But if, after all the celebration fades and an Obama government takes its turn there is no legal and/or highly visible reckoning of BushCo’s treasonous, historic misdeeds then we are the ones in serious need of reflection.

It has always been us who are in need of deeper, more profound reflection. But if reflection is only possible when there’s light, where does that light come from?

Congressional democrats? Constitutional scholars? Liberal media??  Don’t make me verp.

Jesus said that he was the “light of the world. And he told us to let our light so shine before men that they may “see your good works and be led to glorify [our] Father.”

The light by which we must do our reflection on the deeds of George Bush and Dick Cheney must be one of divine truth and eternal justice.  Yes, there is a semblance of justice and truth in the laws set out in our constitution, but we have all been witness to how easily they have been distorted, trampled upon, and cast aside during this last eight years of the Bush debacle.

What is needed now is a new benchmark for justice.  One based on a higher and more profound recognition of the reality of mankind, one that involves the very highest morals and ethics known to man.  One that still has its roots based in the “Golden Rule“—  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Do we, as a nation, as a race of human beings, desire to live by the rule of law and the ways of justice?  Then we must actually live our lives accordingly, and demand that our elected officials do so as well.  If there is no accounting, there is no justice.


  1. Human of Days

    Sad to record, we (general populace) still need affliction to tenderize the selfish gristle of vertically challenged (subjective) mind.

    I’m all over those change links!

    While Obama must function within these sad constraints, I suspect he’s an expansive force therein.

  2. Hey Hu,
    Well, “it is written” in potentialat least. It will take more than a hundred monkeys to generate the kind of planetary change necessary to change the dynamics of nationalism sufficiently to spark an awareness of the superior relationships to be had in a true government of mankind.

    I’m curious to see if Obama is up to the task; maybe we should suggest it. 😉 (See the link above.)

  3. Human of Days

    Spot on Saitia,

    The law of settled planets is written in the self governing hearts of men, where people actually delight in bearing each others burdens.

    Reflection, not introspection sets up that precious and all essential “reality response” in the sincere individual reflector.

  4. there are plenty of us who have been reflecting for a long time, and we have been screaming for impeachment of chimpy & co., only to be constantly told how we must look to the future, not the past. the media and congress, who consistently did not do their jobs, can go fuck themselves right after they reflect on how they were complicit in chimpy’s crime family’s antics.

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