TrumPenstein Redux (Updated)

But now that the Trumpestein monster has broken his restraints and left the table, marauding across the countryside and terrorizing the peasants (cue music: The Monster Mash…it caught on in a flash.), the GOP is forced to reanimate the issue.

Carly Fiorina’s War Against Planned Parenthood Blows Up In Her Face

Carly Fiorina encouraging kids to take their country back from Planned Parenthood

Teh Stupid: Donald Trump Replaces Sarah Palin

Trump is rapidly proving that he is only too competent to replace Palin as the embodiment of Teh Stupid.

CRUZ a fiction

Contrary to Republican conventional wisdom, wearing the ugliest flannel shirts manufactured on the planet does not make you American.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Part III

According to Fux News host, Obama used a raw onion to fake tears while talking about school kids dying. Recently, it was reported that―horror of horrors!―Obama doesn’t watch enough cable news, and therefore doesn’t understand the nation’s concerns about terrorism…Some would consider eschewing the manufactured reality of the cable news media-industrial-complex a feature and not a bug.

The Dunning Kruger Effect: Part II

To paraphrase Dunning-Kruger: Fools lack the tools to recognize their foolishness; i.e. their limitations. The alternative to this lack of self-awareness is to blame someone else for their failures; to wit, that secret Muslim-Kenyan commie illegally occupying the White House. Naturally, this illegal occupation trope is being sold to the gullible as a promise by certain GOP presidential candidates to repeal every piece of legislation, every executive order, signed into law by our illegitimate president. Because freedom!

The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Part 1

“This might be seen as a sign that the American right has finally crossed the border into looney-land.” Perhaps observations from the field of cognitive science, the Dunning-Kruger effect, can help explain why.