McCain’s New Poster Already a Collector’s Item

And you can see why. . . Lofting PTSD* to new heights. . . *Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

“The One”

From John Tomasic. Asked for comment on the media attention Obama was drawing for his trip, McCain simply said “It is what it is.” But [Elizabeth] Bumiller writes that she got a less-resigned reaction from McCain’s entourage. McCain’s comments were mild compared with the bleak mood and frustration on the part of his advisers, who have taken to referring to …

Manchurian McCain

The New Joeker cover is catching shit from the Rebuplican Right; we think you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. “Satire, like the razor keen, is best when scarcely felt or seen.” —Terry Kruger, after unknown IF YOU LOOKED CAREFULLY, you could probably spot the first satirical drawing by a human being in one of the rooms at Lascaux; no doubt some …

The New Yorker: Rethuglican’s Useful Idiot

[T]he ‘content’ of a medium is like the juicy piece of meat carried by the burglar to distract the watchdog of the mind. –Marshall McLuhan Notwithstanding that people who suffer damage to the right parahippocampal gyrus are incapable of registering sarcasm (sometimes equated with satire, an arguable difference being the use of irony by the former to merely demean versus …

Bush Finally Helping

Some are calling it “Too little too late,” while others are reflexively saying, “Better late than never.” Either way, everyone seems to be gathering strength from the simple calendrical fact that the worst disaster in American presidential history is approaching its scheduled end. We’re talking of course, of the Bush Preznincy, currently inflicting its last several months on a weary …

Obama: The Real Deal?

He may as well be a brother from another planet: “Greetings; Take me as I am— not as you think I should be.” The “new politics” of Barack Obama are leaving many Americans lost in his dust. Traditionally they may have been categorized— and understood themselves to be— “liberals,” “conservatives,” “progressives,” “Republicans,” “Democrats,” and “Independents.” Not so surprisingly, a sizable …

New FISA Bill: A Pre-Emptive Attack on an October Surprise?

With the Progressive blogsofear up in arms over the House‘s passage of Bush‘s FISA bill, and even more incensed at Obama‘s essential support for same, I am reminded of how the Dem leadership caved on the Protect America Act, with rumors that from behind the scenes the Administration was warning of an imminent 9/11 scale attack. And how if that …