Read It With Friends.

The brotherhood of men is founded on the fatherhood of God. The family of God is derived from the love of God–God is love. God the Father divinely loves his children, all of them.

Read It With A Friend.

A President with a Cosmology would be— A great president? Or the Greatest President.

Nature By The Numbers

For more about the the Golden Mean, aka the Golden Ratio or Fibonacci Sequence of numbers, go Wiki.

Torch Me Up, Scottie

The attack against Christians by Beck may turn out to be the most interesting opportunity for Religion to finally provide some genuine open criticism of itself, and quickly provide the sort of self-correction Christianity so desperately needs. So you go, Jim Wallis, and don’t stop until Christianity is once again the religion of Jesus.


And after listening to several grown Republican men whine about Nancy Pelosi, it’s abundantly clear who the real pussies are on Capital Hill. Poor things!

You Can Close Your Eyes

And you can stay as long as you like. . . [youtube width=”480″ height=”344″][/youtube]

The Need For Awareness

IN THIS dissolving world when events are so quickly followed by events, in confusion, with personalities emerging out of the crucible, great and lasting changes are taking place, and you are naturally assailed through your sensitiveness by the insistent alarms and cold fears that people are subject to.  It is a moment when I would like to review your adventure …