X-MAS Is For Atheists Too

• “I’ve seen things you ‘people’ wouldn’t believe.  Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I’ve watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.  All those… moments… lost in time… like… tears… in rain…” “I want more life,  fucker!” • In a film widely regarded as one of the best movies ever made, a humanoid creature …

We’re Still Just In It For The Munny

ZAPPADAN TWENTY TEN Yeah it’s already the second day of ZAPPADAN, and we’re off to a slow start, but then the main reason we do ZAPPADAN in the first place is to slow down enough to realize we’re having a good time. First thing you should do on ZAPPADAN is reminisce about last year’s awesome ZAPPADAN,  and you can do …


Not hot off the presses:  Urantian Sojourn Magazine will debut soon, watch this spot. It’s a back to our roots via the blog thing, and yeah, we’re excited— just not blessed with enough time to getter done a month in advance. The original Urantian Sojourn Magazine was born in the tumultuous summer of 1990, as a satirical-political spear in the …


Holy effin’ balance sheets! “Accounting professors” kicking the asses off “art professors” when it comes to knowing God?!? Who knew…

The Perils Of HypoChrissy

We can hope, can’t we?  Yes we can. For all her crazy talk, Christine O’Donnell has finally managed to talk her way into becoming a nominee for senator in Delaware,  running as a member of the Republican Party.  Despite canceling appearances on the teevee talking head circuit this morning, early observations are that she can talk the talk; as for …

Glenn Beck: Let Them Die.

Since First Lady Michelle Obama unveiled her Let’s Move! program to fight obesity, a cackle of fat cat conservatives have attacked her efforts as just another Obama assault on the personal freedoms and liberties of french fry-loving, overweight Americans.

When The Fat Roils

To be sure, there are a lot of fat-cat politicians, on both sides of the political aisle. And you can safely bet most of them aren’t able to think any better than they actually eat. Newton Leroy Gingrich is a great example of what I mean.