Dick Has A Turd In His Pocket

“We decided we needed some enhanced techniques.” —Dick Cheney “WE” did??  So, just who is “We,” Dick?  Do you have a turd in your pocket?  Surely you don’t mean that dry-drunk Bush boy, do you?  Do you mean you and your daughter Liz, who, like you, doesn’t believe waterboarding is torture?  Just merely “harsh” interrogation? You know, Dick, as a …

Fourth-Degree Burns Not Torture

WASHINGTON D.C. — An apparently tough as nails Sean Hannity of Fox News has personally undergone what he called a “fair and balanced interrogation technique” to prove a point: fourth-degree burns are not torture.


If you wanna see it good, you must click it Carrie Prejean: “I felt as though Satan was trying to tempt me in asking me this question. And then God was in my head and in my heart saying, “Do not compromise this. You need to stand up for me and you need to share with all these people . …


Miss America is roused from her post-pageant funk by the familiar strains of Burt Parks. . .

Strange Bedfellows

You can live with each other, you just can’t be married.   “And who knows which is which, and who is who” —Pink Floyd   The long evolutionary heritage of religion has always been inextricably linked with the forms and functions of the evolution of government.  Long ago, the early tribal shamans were the go-to guys for all the practices …

Apocalypse Now Or Never

It makes perfect sense that the Son of God— having previously been treated with such warmth and respect by the natives— would want to return to our little planet post-haste for a cordial sit-down to go over the few remaining problem areas of our planetary theology, by abandoning all those poor chumps not willing to tow the Christian party line; oh, and of course, put the chosen few on his jumbo-rapture-jetliner to Pearly Gate International.


Eric J. Lyman. ROME — The Vatican could be gearing up for an official call for a boycott of “Angels & Demons,” Ron Howard’s big-budget follow-up to “The Da Vinci Code.” And malevolent flying monkeys could be streaming towards urth as I write this. Avvenire, the Vatican’s official newspaper, ran a story in Friday’s edition noting that the Church “cannot …