Boehner Announces Green Jobs

Speaker of the House John Boehner, wept with pride or something Thursday as he announced the first, long overdue Republican jobs bill on the House floor.

The Great Glenn Beck Train Wreck

Engineer Glenn runs off the rails In a post titled The Nutty Professor: The Rise & Fall of Glenn Beck, published a couple of days before Fux News announced that they were dumping his show, it might have appeared that we had jumped the Beckian shark a bit soon by asserting his demise as a fate accompli. But it wasn’t …

Republican Party Suicide

It was always evident they were giant asshats, but literally big heels, too?? Who knew.

We Are All Cheeseheads

We warned you last October that the shit was about to hit the fan. That’s not fudge on your face.

Hey Kids…

We are, right now, living in an amazing moment of history. And this moment has happened because the youth around the world have decided they’ve had enough. Young people are in revolt — and it’s about time.


In free enterprise America, you can go shopping for and purchase an angry mob. I don’t mean just a few “action figures,” either.