I Want My NBC

Thank God someone in the great white north is looking out for us. But then, we have our own flea-infested watchdogs.

Teh Boner Begins

The  Weeper of the House Watching the newly installed Speaker of the House Rep. John Boehner (Crybaby-OH) read the Preamble to the US Constitution today had me on the edge of my seat, half expecting him to burst into flames as he spoke the words “to promote the general welfare.” Fortunately, ours is a merciful God and the day of reckoning …

How Much Is Never Enough?

This svelte young swine and multi-billionaire knows something that you and Bernie Sanders do not: That way too much is never enough.

The Tipping Point

There was something stirring about watching Bernie Sanders engage in his filibuster— Sanders offered the real thing. Real rhetoric, real passion, real indignation. And the truth.

Obama Compromises On ZAPPADAN

Yeah I asked that too;  who the fuck is he talking to?? Not us.


Having taken the first step along the path of compromise and least resistance… It requires a great and noble character, having started out wrong, to turn about and go right.  All too often one’s own mind tends to justify continuance in the path of error when once it is entered upon. —The Urantia Book