Pre-Rally Reflections

The Fear is palpable on the National Mall tonight;  the crew rocked the sound check with Steely Dan’s Bodhisattva. Well, at least when we were walking by. WASHINGTON D.C. —  We landed at Dulles in a 35 m.p.h. crosswind.  I know this because the pilot came on and praised his first officer for doing a “heckofa job” landing that bitch. …


Not hot off the presses:  Urantian Sojourn Magazine will debut soon, watch this spot. It’s a back to our roots via the blog thing, and yeah, we’re excited— just not blessed with enough time to getter done a month in advance. The original Urantian Sojourn Magazine was born in the tumultuous summer of 1990, as a satirical-political spear in the …


Holy effin’ balance sheets! “Accounting professors” kicking the asses off “art professors” when it comes to knowing God?!? Who knew…

Had The Chilean Miners Been Teabaggers

Had the Chilean miners truly subscribed to the tea party view of the world, they would have first rejected any rescue attempt as a big government bailout, perpetuating the moral hazard problem of miners who went underground knowing full well the risks of their actions! Then, having refused rescue, they would also have ruled out collective action to survive, since …

The Perils Of HypoChrissy

We can hope, can’t we?  Yes we can. For all her crazy talk, Christine O’Donnell has finally managed to talk her way into becoming a nominee for senator in Delaware,  running as a member of the Republican Party.  Despite canceling appearances on the teevee talking head circuit this morning, early observations are that she can talk the talk; as for …

King v. Beck

Can’t wait to hear the Beckophiles howl about how unfair it is to run actual clips of their hero’s bigotry and madness.

When The Fat Roils

To be sure, there are a lot of fat-cat politicians, on both sides of the political aisle. And you can safely bet most of them aren’t able to think any better than they actually eat. Newton Leroy Gingrich is a great example of what I mean.