Clinton Attacks. . .

CINCINNATI – In a stunning display of frustration and anger over tactics she described as being from “Carl Rove’s playbook,” Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton tore into Barack Obama with a vengeance, today. One observer close to the fray said, “The fur was really flying.” The Obama campaign quickly struck back, saying that Howard Wolfson, Clinton’s top spokesman, had claimed that …

McLame Blows Nomination

I couldn’t sleep last night. Thank you for asking, it was the usual morbid realization about John McCain. From a strictly comedic gold mine point of view, McCain is the Mother pantload, and comedians everywhere were in danger of losing the kind of career-making material that only congeals once in a political lifetime. But then, I thought that it was …

Sponge Mike Squarepants

Sponge Mike Squarepants What kind of person misunderestimates the country’s willingness to amend the United States Constitution to be more in line with the (your most trusted version here): ____________ version of the Bible? That would be Sponge Mike Squarepants. Sponge Mike, who believes in miracles. In fact, he’d like to be the recipient of a grand miracle to win …

Now Where is Our Other Mitten?

WTF?!? Suspended campaign?? El ex precandidato republicano a la presidencia Mittens How’s that differ from cuttin’ and runnin’, my Main Mormin?? Who cares if you agree with McLame “doing whatever to win in Iraq”! You said you were suspending your campaign (cuttin’ and runnin’) because you couldn’t allow the POTUS to “retreat in the face of evil extremism.” And your …


John McCain, and Homer Simpson— ever seen’em together? Think about it. LOS ANGELES— Astute observers have pointed to John McCain’s four-digit, yellow “cartoon hands” as a dead give-away that current Republican front-runner McCain is, in fact, Homer Simpson of the long-running telewision series.  Others point to his recent campaign promises of fewer jobs and more war for America as unmistakable …


“They’re just people, they watch telewision.” —Chris Matthews, of the Kennedy’s, endorsing Barack Obama YOU KNOW YOU LIVE IN A GREAT COUNTRY when a hairballing wanna-be-wag with a speech impediment can get a job addressing millions of people through television without having to blow a network executive.  Betchew a dowwar he doesn’t get canned anytime soon either.  That’s powitics.

Parkway Jokes

It seems the fun never stops being generated out there on the campaign trail. Last week, a friend sent along a “Hillary joke,” just one of several billion being spammed around the internets. It read exactly like this: “Hillary Clinton was out jogging one a.m. along the parkway when she tripped, fell over the bridge railing and landed in the …