Colbert Storms The Hill

Political satire has a long and effective history of highlighting important social and political issues, going back at least as far as the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. Contemporary satire has taken many forms, from political cartoonists like the late Paul Conrad; the sixties Yippies throwing burning cash from the balcony of the New York Stock Exchange, performance art that …

Squirrley Islamophobia & The Rapture Rupture (Update)

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Islamophobiapalooza Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party Here’s a couple of clips from last night’s Daily Show that capture the absurdities of the current wave of Isalmophobia sweeping the US, and the desire among both Christians and Muslims for bringing this sorry world to an …

The Work Of The Angles

“You’re doing the work of the angels.” —Rush Limbaugh sit-in flunky, Mark Belling Radio segment: Original artwork:

Humble Hubble Pie In The Sky

“And the patch of sky was no bigger than a grain of sand held out at arm’s length.”

Gretchen, You Ignorant Slut.

Where’s a Monty Python two ton falling weight when you really need one?

The Neuro-Cognitive Wisdom Of George Costanza

Given that cognitive scientists believe that up to 95% of our thinking processes are unconscious, with our 400 million year old lizard brain dominating our half million year old rational brain; given that the lizard brain has as its number one priority the perpetuation of the species (demonstrated in males by the power that the little head exercises over the …