Values Beyond Political Conflict

There’s a common misconception rampant in political and other discourse in the world today, and it leads to all kinds of injustice, terrorism, and other spiritual horrors. It’s the idea that love of what’s right is the same thing as hatred of what’s wrong. The two are like day and night. One heals, the other leads to endless conflict and …

Pick Your Junk

Think You Want This Junk? Cindy McCane with husband John Top Gun “Maverick” McCane Junk is battle-worn, seventy-two, cranky Contradicts own sworn testimony War with rest of world “just an unfortunate fact of life” Abortion: Nevah, nevah, nevah Believes in evolution Espouses Episcopalian and Southern Baptist Christianity   How About This? Co-Commanders-in-Chief Clinton Junk is ambitious, sixty-one, double X, comes …