Christian Taliban To Burn Qu’rans

Christian Taliban leader Terry Jones burned in effigy in Afghanistan This Saturday on the ninth anniversary of 9/11, members of a small Muslim hating Christian group, ironically called Dove World Outreach Church, plan to burn a pile of Qu’rans to demonstrate their hatred of Islam. It’s not like we haven’t been down this road before. Five years ago reports of …

World Fail 101

Intractable international problems continually and increasingly reveal how ineffective— and unethical— it is for any single nation, like the United States, to assume the mantle of “World Sheriff.”

The Dream Is Alive. . .

PHOENIX — Arizona Sen. John Sidney McCain faces voters again today. Although still considered one of the Senate’s most vulnerable incumbents, McCain is now the clear front-runner over barely sentient conservative challenger, J.D. Hayworth in Arizona’s Republican primary, and will be the Republican party candidate yet again, unless there’s some unforeseen organ failure before this fall. Hayworth, a former congressman, …

Afutilestan X

Hostile occupation is like a coiled spring– the greater the force applied, the greater the force generated when the spring is finally sprung. For instance, triple the amount of occupation forces in Afghanistan, as President Obama has done and voila!– a proportional number of new resistance forces are added to the equation. That’s just the nature of the beast. People …


Sharron Angle, Michele Bachmann, and Sarah Palin are the reigning supremely stupid. Unless you have been on another planet, you already know we are in one of our nation’s— even the world’s— most critical transitional periods.  And every day now, we learn more about many of our so-called “leaders,” as they increasingly expose themselves as incompetent, corrupt, and unqualified to …