The Hindmost Returns

The Hindmost, a cowardly Puppeteer from Larry Niven’s Ringworld series Dickhead Cheney is at it again, criticizing President Obama’s response to the failed terrorist attempt to take down an airliner over the U.S. on Christmas Day. Seems that Darth isn’t happy that Obama is implicitly rejecting the Bush Administration‘s idiotic and counterproductive “war on terrorism” frame for something more rational …

Obama’s Nobel Prize Speech

President Obama accepting the Nobel Peace Prize My favorite line from Obama’s Nobel acceptance speech: Let us reach for the world that ought to be — that spark of the divine that still stirs within each of our souls. One of the very few lines that got applause, as a lot the speech was a justification of his just war …

Afutilestan (VII): The Great Game Revisited

Geography is destiny, Napoleon is reported to have said. I began to appreciate that political truism early on, thanks to marathon games of  Risk I  played as a kid.  According to Wikipedia, Risk was originally released in France in 1957, as La Conquête du Monde—The Conquest of the World. It was likely modeled on the period of history that historians …

Putting Terrorism On Trial: Wingers Piss Their Diapers (Updated)

GOP Diaper wetters: David “PP” Vitter, Tony “Depends” Blankley, R. Hudson “Incontinent” Limpboughtenpaidfor, Eric “WeWee” Cantor, John “Sissy-Boy Boehner, and weepy Mitch McConnell. Said GOP House Leader John Boehner yesterday: The Obama Administration’s irresponsible decision to prosecute the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks in New York City puts the interests of liberal special interest groups before the safety and security …

Milkin’ It

I don’t do much cow dairy, so imagine my shock at seeing this vicious attack on four of our nation’s most profligate smug lying bastards.


The contents of General McCrystal’s top-down review of Afghanistan ordered by President Obama found its way into the front pages of the NY Times and Washington Post today. As expected, it paints a grim picture and calls for more of everything– more troops, more money, more nation building– on top of the $ 4 billion a month we’re already spending …


Well it was bound to happen; now wait ten seconds before someone says it’s a fake!