When Defeat is Success: More Orwellian Newspeak from the Pentagon

Yesterday, in response to the explosion of violence in Basra that has necessitated an influx of 15,000 Iraqi and American troops, the Pentagon claimed the situation was a “by-product of the success of the surge.” The Suits in the Pentagon might want to check with the Brass on that, or at least the retired members who are free to speak …

4,000 US Troops KIA in Iraq

From Nico Pitney, a mosaic of photos of Americans fallen in Iraq. McCain says US succeeding in Iraq [Catastrophuck] LIZ SIDOTI  HufPo CHULA VISTA, Calif. — Fresh off his eighth Iraq visit, Sen. John McCain declared Monday that “we are succeeding” and said he wouldn’t change course _ even as the U.S. death toll rose to 4,000 and the war …

Can You Say Apocalypse?

The fetish word of authority is a fear-inspiring doctrine, the most terrible of all tyrants which enslave men. A doctrinal fetish will lead people to betray themselves into the clutches of bigotry, fanaticism, superstition, intolerance, and the most atrocious of barbarous cruelties. —The Urantia Papers IT’S A QUAINT BUT POPULAR NOTION for some Americans to say they hate the idea …

Church and State in America

Anyone who hasn’t noticed the rabid up-tick in the perceived toxic ties between the presidential candidates and their religious affiliations gets a sincere “get well soon,” because you have to be in some kind of coma. The only one who appears to have escaped the holy vetting is Mrs Clinton, which may speak more to the fact she has no …

McCain’s Note In The Wall

McCain produced the note from his left suit coat pocket, and with a series of awkward looking jabs, he finally forced the note into a tiny crevice of the ancient wall.

Living in a Post-American World

PARAG KHANNA writes in “Waving Goodbye to Hegemony“. . . It is 2016, and the Hillary Clinton or John McCain or Barack Obama administration is nearing the end of its second term. America has pulled out of Iraq but has about 20,000 troops in the independent state of Kurdistan, as well as warships anchored at Bahrain and an Air Force …


The New York Times is reporting that Bear Stearns has agreed to be bought out by JP Morgan Chase. Alan Greenspan writes in the Financial Times that this current financial crisis is likely the worst since WWII. Wall Street is LAYING AWAKE WITH HORSE EYE waiting for what might come next. And that dick in the White House says: “As …