Off the C*nt er, Cuff

[youtube][/youtube] I think you may have noticed that John McCain has been sayin’ some pretty confusing things, lately.  And it’s fair to point them out, if only because Republicans never miss a chance, in the face of every new McCain gaffe, (the sheer number of which are beginning to rival George Bush’s still accreting world record) to say, “Yeah, but …

“REAL” Americans

The “REAL” America Sarah Palin enthuses about to small town America as if she were talking to five year old children can best be understood by its two major differences: yurr Pro-Amerricans, and also yurr Anti-Americans. Pro Amerricans love America, also Anti-Americans hate America. Also, Pro-Amerricans love our flag, Anti-Americans also hate our flag. Pro-Amerricans also hate terrorists, Anti-Americans arrrrrrrrre Terrorists.

The Voice of HATE

“Hate is the shadow of fear; revenge the mask of cowardice.” —Jesus Sam Stein “Barack Obama’s attacks on Americans who support John McCain reveal far more about him than they do about John McCain. It is clear that Barack Obama just doesn’t understand regular people and the issues they care about. He dismisses hardworking middle class Americans as clinging to …

Mad Little McScience

The Google looks down on Adler Planetarium From Adler Planetarium. [D]uring the presidential debate in Nashville, Tennessee, Senator John McCain made the following statement: McCain: “While we were working to eliminate these pork barrel earmarks he (Senator Obama) voted for nearly $1 billion in pork barrel earmark projects. Including $3 million for an overhead projector at a planetarium in Chicago, …

Playing With Fire UPDATED

“I play to win. I do whatever it takes to win.
If I have to fuck my opponent to win I’ll do it.
If I have to destroy my opponent I won’t give it a second thought.”
—John McCain
Given McCain’s self-described canon, it’s hardly a stretch to believe he professed such a crass philosophy. And above all other considerations, it puts the lie on his religion; whether it was Rethuglican bravado or genuine credo.

McPTSD is So “That One”

Fear and anger weaken character, and destroy happiness. Is that so hard to understand?  And just like hate, anger is a destructive influence on the human soul. [youtube][/youtube] “That one” who suffers from PTSD; “That one” who should never have responsibility or authority for launching deadly force on the people of other nations. • [youtube][/youtube] Aww;  what a sweetie!  Ignoring …

Liar, Save Thy Self

My copy of LIAR mag came today; well; actually that’s a lie. Click it. The McCain-Palin team of mavericks is on a lying jag this week. First out of the chute was Six-pack Sarah, paintin’ Barack Obama as pallin’ around with terrorists, like that William Ayers guy.  John Wilson was on it, though: As part of a larger project where …