One of the greatest attractions of patriotism— it fulfills our worst wishes. In the person of our nation we are able, vicariously, to bully and cheat. Bully and cheat, what’s more, with a feeling we are profoundly virtuous. — Aldous Huxley “Country First” John McCain: “I am not a perfect vessel.” I’ll see your “Country First” and raise you a …


A “Team of McMavericks.” What are they good for? Really? • • “There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof is death.” • • •


Congress didn’t bailout your friends; so why haven’t you Re-Suspended your campaign??
Is it any less of a catastrophe today than it was last week? Or, like Senator Obama, will you be monitoring it from the “sidelines” now?

More Proximity Politics

The little man rises up on his toes again.  It’s an uncontrollable urge to be bigger than he really is, if even for a split second. The little arms shoot out in tandem, fingers splayed as wide as they will go;  the gesture is brief, tentative, and awkward, out of sync with his emphasis:  “Sentor [sic] Obama took a very …

McCAIN: “I don’t even have a Seal.”

McCain “demonstrated a greater command”?! What debate were you watching?
Will somebody give McCain a frakkin’ “seal” so he can move the debate into the realm of adult dialogue? And will the person(s) advising McCreep who laugh everytime he says “I didn’t get voted Miss Congeniality, you know” please have your lips sown shut?

McCain’s Emergency Plan Destroyed by Obama

WASHINGTON — After calling a halt to his campaign earlier today, John McCain spent the afternoon working on a plan to personally re-inflate the economy, and rescue Wall Street. However, a spokesperson for the McCain campaign has just informed the MSM via video that Senator Barack Obama has destroyed the plan with a childish stunt: • (Please ignore the frickin’ …

McCain suspends his campaign. Yawn.

McCaint covers up a yawn;  the losses on Wall Street have kept him from napping. . . .asks to postpone walking Friday’s debate, to chew gum address the financial crisis. Ben Smith: The only thing that’s changed in the last 48 hours is the public polling. Mickey Edwards: Oh, brother. What idiot came up with this stunt? It ranks somewhere …