Arizona Train Wreck Brewing

[youtube][/youtube] “I have done so much.” “We have done everything we could possibly do.” “We have did [sic] what was right for Arizona.” If you can’t be focused when it counts, what are you like when it doesn’t count?

What the GOP Has Brought Together. . .

There is no more evil thing in this world than race prejudice . . . It justifies and holds together more baseness, cruelty, and abomination than any other sort of error in the world. — H. G. Wells . . . Let No Man Put Asunder According to Talking Points Memo reports, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele is expected …

Arizona Flies A False Flag

The false flag of Arizona Republicans. PHOENIX – An American citizen was questioned and detained at a weigh station along Val Vista and the 202 freeway, when he pulled his commercial truck in the station for a routine check.  “Abdon,” who now refuses to give his last name, provided several pieces of information, but it wasn’t enough.  He was handcuffed …

Clothes Make The Man

According to Rep. Brian Bilbray* (Rhoid-Calif.), “trained professionals” can identify illegal aliens just by looking at their clothes. Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. —Mark Twain Chris Matthews of MSNBC’s Hardball, asked Rep. Brian Bilbray to cite a “non-ethnic aspect” law enforcement agents could use to identify illegal immigrants.  “They will look at …

Please Don’t Ask and Don’t Tell

What’s that smell? Can’t you smell that smell? —Lynyrd Skynyrd STEVE DOUCHEY: All right. Thank you very much for teeing up that clip.  Joining us, very much alive this morning, is Senator John Sidney McCain, affectionately known around here as Captain Underpants. Good morning to you, Captain, sir. SEN. UNDERPANTS: What?  We’re already on?  I’ve gotta change my— um— okay. …


Yes, even insufferable wags can have genuine epiphanies. So when Chris Matthews thinks he has one on the air and shares it with the rest of us, it’s worth examining if for no other reason than to see if it can help us have one, too.

Yesterday, Today; Always.

Yes. Yesterday was the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Today is our first opportunity since then,  to put his truth to work. And tomorrow, and always. Martin emerged from the crucible of his times speaking with the timeless voice of eternal truth, and he spoke it fearlessly until the fearful took it from us;  now is the time to bring …