Con Nuestro Gran Amigo Obama!

IF YOU BELIEVE the MSM, Hispanics are giving Heallarry Cleantone the margin of victory in Texas because they think she’s, what. . . blonde? No, dooshbagettes, becuss chi hiss de spouze of Beeel Cleantone. But AP reports a Fox News poll conducted Feb 26-28 of likely Democratic voters showed con nuestro gran amigo Obama leads among all men in Texas, …

Is Obama Really Black?

Tammy Johnson of RaceWire writes: Barack Obama “. . . is not a scary black man. He won’t make white people confront racial inequities, deal with issues of privilege or the structural racism that undergirds this country.” With Hillary’s injection of Dr. Martin Luther King smack dab in the middle of presidential politics, it’s entirely fitting to note that Dr. …