And Now, As A Public Service. . .

Um, yeah. . . Please don’t ask us how McCain manages to hold himself upright for these several dozen examples of a humanoid without a backbone. We have no frakkin’ idea.

A pilots [sic] perspective on Obama

A pilot named Karl (not his real name) is circulating a devastating email on teh internets titled A pilots [sic] perspective on Obama, that should wake up LIBERALS and Rebublicans too, or any other label you care to use to describe people swept up in their own personal feelings of hope and unity. The letter should scare the living shit …

Attacking Obama From the Twilight Zone

The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices – to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy, and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all its own. -Rod Serling, “The …

RFK’s Obama Prophecy

From yesterday’s Meet the Press: He gave a speech to the Voice of America all around the world 40 years ago. And despite what was going on in the country, particularly in Alabama, Bobby Kennedy said this: Things are “moving so fast in race relations a Negro could be president in 40 years.” This is in 1968, we’re now in …

The Obama Zeitgeist

Hillary Clinton missed the zeitgeist, while Barack Obama not only recognized and embraced it, but due in large part to his diverse cultural and racial background, actually embodies it. Barack’s message of Hope and Change found greater resonance in the Democratic electorate than Hillary’s message of Experience and Leadership. The latter no doubt polled well in Mark Penn‘s focus groups, …

They Wanna Do What They Wanna Do!

Our friend Driftglass has a gaggle of fine people who comment over there, and in our continuing effort to get them over here, I occasionally take their pithy comments and share them here. Because good ideas need to be shared, that’s why. Okay. I have gardening to do, too. Tanbark said: Did Jane Hamsher post that at FDL, because she …

The Wright Stuff

Updated below The protracted folderol over Reverend Wright has done something quite important in the presidential race. America’s great but errant spotlight of high moral values has been directed so extensively, so brightly, and so carefully on Barack Obama’s relationship with him, that it has set a powerful precedent which has just begun to focus on John McCain. Hagee and …