Willard Goes Gratuitously Goth

Oooh! that Ron Paul guy and his crazy supporters are busy, butt, you know, still in the background. . .

Men In Black

“Now that I’ve told you I’ll be taking away your ‘Obamacare,’ I’ll have to use my flashy flashlight thing to erase your memory.”


 “If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.” —Ted Nugent “If you gotta problem with Ted Nugent, you’re an IDIOT!” —Ted Nugent “With the Mao Zedong fan club in the White House, a clueless, rookie president hellbent on spending like a maniac as unprecedented debt piles …

Enter The Willard

Oh yezz.  The Severely CONservative Gover-nerd.   And when I think no way will the American people ever vote for this weaselly, transparent power whore, I remember that enough of them voted to enable the severely conservative SCOTUS to hand us eight disastrous years of George Walker fucking Bush.  Well hold on. You won’t want to miss this bloody clusterphuque.

Dissing The Prez

The irrational hatred of President Obama is undermining the Office of the President itself.

The Newter Writhes Again

Why yes, that is a Swedish apparatus crossing The Newter’s pectoral majesty, and thanks for overlooking the piles of baggage that made him what he is today.